Sunday, February 8, 2009

Freaking Out

Okay. Maybe just a little bit. But going in, I already knew a contest would be a lot of work.

Crikey. I just didn't realize how much. And those of you who have been with me since before the contest, already know that I'm not a gal who posts every day. It's kinda freakin' me out.

Especially when I'm not able to get my regular posts in.... though, that last minute Super Bowl trip, the Cheeky Bandit's birthday and the upcoming Twilight trip are, um... a bit distracting.

Dangit. I sure have some timing, don't I? ;) I'll get back on the horse. Soon... My parents just left yesterday - Papa drove 5 hours here to pick up Mama Friday night, and they left yesterday afternoon to drive the 5 hours back home.

I sure am a lucky lady.

Now if I could just... find my darn camera. Need to download some pics!! I swear... there's a reason why the 4 year old is called "Bandit." He likes to take things and stash them away for his own! Better check out his secret hiding places... lol!
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On the Rocks © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness