Friday, August 8, 2008

Crazy Eights Encore

My girl RhoRho tagged me with this, so I thought we could do an encore of an old post from the former Dance of Moherhood:

Check out my Crazy Eights - yo!

  1. When I attend a conference and finally meet someone in person (who only knows me by my name in email), they think they're gonna meet an 80-year old lady with her hair in a bun and glasses on the tip of her nose. Then - in walks me.

  2. Hubby and I escape to Vegas 2-3 times a year - you'd hardly recognize me over there. Let's just say that hubby likes to shop for my Vegas digs. ;)

  3. I exemplify: "It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for."

  4. I'm an organizational fREak. I love to get things organized but can't put my friggin' laundry away by the end of the week.

  5. I'm addicted to movies. Screw TV (and those damn commercials) - I can only watch it if I TiVo it. I've got 500+ DVD's stashed and waiting to get systemized (lol) into my new discsox's.

  6. I like to get stupid with the kids. Put my fat ass on roller blades for a race around the block, trying to teach myself to swim laps during their swimming lessons or get loud at the - well - anywhere. They should be embarassed.

  7. I am a romantic FOOL. I used to dream of quiet evenings after family dinner, weekly dates with the hubz, or maybe even a surprise on my birthday. Then I woke the eff up.

  8. But then again, we get our snookie on, like, 3-4 times a WEEK. It doesn't matter if it's already midnight. Someone please tell this mutha to stop complaining already?!

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