Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Taking It Off Together Tuesday #10

Leigh's not kidding - another bad week. :(

I gained 2 pounds over the last week - but Leigh's gonna kick us into gear. Check it out:

Another gain week! Okay! Time to get our butts in gear. This gain/no change has
got to stop. I am just as guilty, I know! I gained more than anyone! So I was
trying to think about what we could do for some motivation around here.

Does anyone in the group have any graphic skills? I'd love to have some
awards to hand out as people reach goals. Also I would like to have a contest
each week so if you would like to put up any prizes or are willing to donate to
the cause let me know! I have quite a bit of Mary Kay discontinued items I'd
love to award as prizes. I was thinking maybe having each pound lost as one
entry for a drawing each week (2 entries per pound for Ciara on account of her
tyroid, if that is alright with everyone...I want this to be fair).

me your thoughts and ideas!! Thanks!!

Chris - 2 GAIN
Tammy - 1 LOSS
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - 0
Grace - no report
Leigh - 3.5 GAIN
Clara - 4 LOSS
Dette - 2 GAIN
Julie - 0.2 LOSS
Cheryl - 0 CHANGE
Audrey - 2 LOSS
Christy - 2 GAIN
Tina - no report yet
Danielle - 0 CHANGE
Jessie - 0 CHANGE

This week's
total - 2.3 GAIN!

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On the Rocks © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness