Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Okay - seriously. I just finished listening to this audio book - and while it has a really good story line and all...
The book drags!
And please - sorrow after sorrow after sorrow... There is only so much I can deal with, give me a little bit of hope, some kind of light, in between. Did my heart ache? Yes. Could I imagine myself living as those women had to? No, never. Did it make me feel selfish? Completely.
After we read "The Kite Runner" last year, we wondered how Khaled Hosseini would be able to top it. But the book club girls and I had heard that some people liked "A Thousand Splendid Suns" even better than "The Kite Runner!"
Not me. No Laila jo, I'm sorry. Not me.
I don't regret reading it - it's not a bad book at all. It just didn't meet my expectations, unfair expectations, nonetheless - comparing it to Kite Runner and all....
But now that I've finally finished it, I think I'm going to step away from novels for a bit so I can dive into a world with Anita Blake... Now THERE'S a page-turner!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Casting Jane in New Moon
No auditions, nothing. Just outright offered it to her!
I, for one, would be ecstatic to see Dakota as Jane - she is one serious actor, and puts soooo much into all of her work. Plus, I think it'd be neat to see her in the dark role of the "witch twin..."
What do you think? Any other ideas on who could play Jane?
Images courtesy of eonline.com; Jason Merritt/Getty Images; Peter Sorel / Summit Entertainment
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Just 5 more minutes. Please?
I'm normally indoors all the time. ALL the time. I can hardly get myself to walk around the block to pick up my mail.
But today... I had the peace of quiet on my side. The boys were in school. All of them - and now that I'd gotten over the first day of pre-school for my youngest lil' monster, I was thinking I might actually enjoy this new found freedom of mine.
I needed a minute to myself... more, actually. The week has been kinda rough on me, and Hubz and I still haven't patched out our last... conflict, from a few days ago.
I hate it when we have tension between us.
Sitting down at the patio table, I tried to escape into a book for a little while... but I could hear my office phone ringing, and the knowledge that I'd be on a conference call in 15 minutes kept me from reading more than the second chapter of Guilty Pleasures.
I took a breath and stood up, grounding out my cigarette on the rocks (surely no one would notice that) before going to the garage to fetch the ashtray. I need to get it together... wasn't it 10 years ago when I quit smoking?
My five minutes wasn't nearly enough, but life calls. Maybe I can sneak in another break for myself before the first round of playing taxi driver...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Win a Bazillion Entrecard Credits!
Games, Downloads, Walkthroughs - 25,000ec
Google Stalking - 20,001ec
Fragile Heart - 20,000ec
Atlanta Realtors - 10,000ec
The Beauty Denominator - 5,000ec
Norwegian Programmer - 5,000ec
nuke it dot org - 5000ec
Lofty Matters - 3000ec
Random Detox - 3000ec
Guilty Pleasures - 3000ec
Freebies - 3000ec
Project Kickass - 3000ec
Total Web Review - 3000ec
Realm of Prosperity - 2000ec
Fantasy Baseball Rankings - 2000ec
Webbiestuffs - 2000ec
Tazdog - 1500ec
Niacin Flush - 1000ec
Reading Lounge - 1000ec
Fendi Bags For Sale - 1000ec
Michael Aulia - 1000ec
Fish Oil Benefits - 1000ec
Better Interpersonal Communication - 1000ec
Singaporean in London - 1000ec
Diva Fabulosa - 1000ec
Expat wife blogging - 1000ec
Baby Frog Gifts For The Princess In Your Life - 1000ec
Health and Beauty Diva - 1000ec
Certified Pinoy Blogger - 1000ec
Make Money Online With Makoy - 1000ec
Versace Designer Sunglasses - 1000ec
Botany Extracts Aromatherapy Massage Oils - 1000ec
Makoy’s Take On The Arts And The Entertainment - 1000ec
Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff - 1000ec
Total Web Review - 1 month text link ad, 1 month 125×125 ad and a Blog Review (that’s three separate prizes)
Momma Wannabe - 1 month text link ad
Charcotrip travel blog - 1 Month 125×125 ad.
Celebrity Pics - A mousepad.
Keeping my fingers crossed I can win some hefty ECs!!
DISCLAIMER: Posting a comment here will not enter you in the contest, but you can do so at the Entrecard Blog.
Who's Ready for More Vamps?
Hooked up with some friends Saturday and had an Underworld movie night - watched both Underworld and The Evolution. Rise of the Lycans will be out January 23rd!
So... can someone tell me why Selene's eyes are sometimes dark, and sometimes ice blue?! Noticed it was usually during a fight - but it never really explains it...
Now if there's ever someone coooool that I'd love to be - it'd have to be Selene. That girl just kicks. Ass. :D (Alice Cullen ~ I still love ya!)
How 'bout you?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Looking for Blog Contest Tips
Which I would LOVE to celebrate with a contest!! But WOW - talk about overwhelming! I've soon so many great contests, with tons of sponsors and organized drawings... what's your secret?
Pinay Jade and Toni have already given me a head start with some tips - thank you ladies!! But if anyone else has any other tips to share - I'd love to hear from you. Specifically, I'm wondering:
- What are the best ways to find sponsors and where?
- What's the best way to organize all the entries?
- What's the best way to advertise the contest?
Alright guys - MDawg is ready to get schooled. =)
Moving from the Crib
I've decided to move my sistah blog here to On the Rocks... and will be closing up the Crib shortly. Why, you ask?
Oh, drama.
lol - and you know how I am with drama... I just slowly inch myself away from it. Goodness, I have enough going on that I don't need any more. Besides - it's SO much easier keeping everything under one account instead of having different logins. That's another thing of mine - I like to keep it as simple as possible. :)
So here is where you'll find all my fun, silly stuff like tags, behind the scenes stuff, personality quizzes and OH YEAH - my minor obsession with Twilight. ;)
Did you hear that Taylor will be playing Jacob in New Moon after all?! Good for him!!
Hope you all had a great New Years holiday!! Sipping a margarita on the rocks... with salt!
P.S. It would've been neat to have kept the comments from the Crib... but I'll live. I absolutely love Disqus!