Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just 5 more minutes. Please?

I felt the cool air breeze up against me and let the rays of this rare sunshine spray my face.

I'm normally indoors all the time. ALL the time. I can hardly get myself to walk around the block to pick up my mail.

But today... I had the peace of quiet on my side. The boys were in school. All of them - and now that I'd gotten over the first day of pre-school for my youngest lil' monster, I was thinking I might actually enjoy this new found freedom of mine.

I needed a minute to myself... more, actually. The week has been kinda rough on me, and Hubz and I still haven't patched out our last... conflict, from a few days ago.

I hate it when we have tension between us.

Sitting down at the patio table, I tried to escape into a book for a little while... but I could hear my office phone ringing, and the knowledge that I'd be on a conference call in 15 minutes kept me from reading more than the second chapter of Guilty Pleasures.

I took a breath and stood up, grounding out my cigarette on the rocks (surely no one would notice that) before going to the garage to fetch the ashtray. I need to get it together... wasn't it 10 years ago when I quit smoking?

My five minutes wasn't nearly enough, but life calls. Maybe I can sneak in another break for myself before the first round of playing taxi driver...
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On the Rocks © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness